Thursday, December 8, 2011

Military: Back in Full Force

Apparently military fashion is coming back in- and with that knowledge I started researching the history of military influence on American fashion- call me a nerd, but it sparked an interest.

Did you know that military uniforms from the 1040's started making a fashion debut in the 70s?

It seems like every season fashion designers pay homage to our past military endeavors- we are always taking a look at new trends from pea coats, to militant style buttons, camouflage, navy blue, khaki, olive greens, ...there are so many little things that standard and historic military uniforms have contributed to our fashion. It's crazy!

Maybe it is the feeling of strength and power that these clothes conjure up? Maybe it's the pristine tailoring that people are drawn to? There may be many reasons why designers are continuously adding in flairs of military influences- but it is totally apart of our fashion world. If you want to read up more on it- read the info from this site- it's actually pretty interesting.

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