Monday, September 27, 2010

Salon Business Monday!: Content On My Website's Links

Hey Everyone! it's Monday and it's time to talk salon business. If you are just joining us then make sure you go back to the past and check out the Salon Business Monday posts for the last 2 weeks. We have been breaking down your salon websites. From how to start one, to what should be on your home page, to today: What content should be on your website's links!

If you need to check out the last 2 posts, you can do so HERE.

Lets get started shall we? Also if you are rushed for time that is OK! Today's post is short and sweet!

So Lets Break down what these links should have on them.


This is where we "sell" what we do. Any time there is a purchase to be made "we" are purchasing based on perceived value. It is not enough to just list your serv ices. Break your services down by category, for instance color, cutting, etc. Within each category make sure you talk about why each service that you give is worth what you are charging, without directly saying why. Also discuss the added value within each service make sure to talk about the added value that comes with that service, whether it be a blow dry, a hand treatment, a foot massage, etc. It is not enough to sell a service, it is imperative that well sell an experience and offer a welcoming and comfortable environment no matter what the market.

Make sure to list the products that you have available in your salon in this section. This is a great place to make it simple for people to find everything related to services within your salon. In my opinion, you want to make it as easily accessible to your visitors to navigate through your site. Maximum information in least amount of spaces. By combining your products and services into one location this allows that. Also talk about your products, talk about why you use them and what makes them so special.

About Us:

This is the fun part! This is where we get to talk about the salon. Tell your guests and future guests what makes your salon so great. Make sure that your literature is consistent with what your are selling and your message is consistent with your brand. A lot of what is listed on this about us section should be a more extensive version of what we talked about on the homepage from last week.

In the about us this is where you put your bios. This is where the visitors get to know the staff. List the staff in order from levels. The owner first of course and then the most experienced to the newest. This gives some structure to the navigation to the bios.

The bios should be as personalized as possible. Talk about what they offer and what services they love to do, but also talk about what they love to do outside of work. Make this fun and personalized. Let their personalities come out. Let your visitors find the staff member that makes them relate-able to them and have fun with it!


Keep your specials visibly clean. Do not overwhelm this page with all sorts of giveaways and specials. Offer what you are offering but make is seem special. Do not make it seem like something that you give away every week. As the weeks go on we will get into more of what to offer, why, how and when. But for now my message is simple. Keep it clean and remember perceived value!

Media (videos, pictures, etc.): We are going to skip this section today as we will get into this next week! We are going to talk about social media and how to make it work for your website.


Your calendar should be simple and personalized. Have a staff birthday? Post it. Having a special event coming up? Post it. Anything and everything that is solidified by a date should be posted through the calender. This will keep your guests in the know!

My recommendation would be to use Google calendars. Want to know more about it? Check that out here. It is so simple to use and can be updated from anywhere!

Contact Us:

In the contact section make sure to have access to any form of communication to your salon available. Phone, email, maybe even AIM, etc. You want to give your visitors multiple possibilities to communicate with you, because everyone prefers a different method.

It is also imperative to have a map of your location, driving instructions and if at all possible a link to do a customized driving directions to your location. Also make sure to add links to your social media.


This concludes today. Remember Next week we will be going over social media. One of the most benifical peices in our segment. SO YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS IT! : )

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